Giving Tuesday

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Your support is critical to our mission – helping more head and neck cancer patients conquer the burdens related to their treatment and recovery.


When Tod received a recurrent head and neck cancer diagnosis, he was hesitant to fight. His first experience with cancer had been brutal. Now, living in rural Oklahoma, Tod would have to travel more than two hours each day for treatments. Plus he would have to live with the fatigue and pain that comes with surgery, and radiation—a treatment he avoided during his first illness.

In an attempt to encourage her brother to fight for his life a second time, Tod’s sister, Teri, searched for ways to afford this next battle. “It was very sad for him,” said Teri. “He has a really young daughter. It was hard on her.” Teri found HNC Living Foundation and the financial relief inspired Tod to continue treatment for his daughter, SuVona.

As Teri calculated the costs covered by HNC Living Foundation for dental care, nutritional supplements, and transportation to treatments, she noted: “HNC is part of our support system.”

HNC Living Foundation has the capacity to help underserved patients in rural areas across the country. Patients who need emergency dental care, nutritional support, and transportation assistance to get to lifesaving appointments can receive support. HNC Living Foundation exists to provide financial resources and relief to patients—and support to those who care for them—so head and neck cancer patients can return to living life fully.



Tod’s sister, Teri, found HNC Living Foundation in a desperate attempt to encourage her brother to fight his second diagnosis of head and neck cancer. As she navigated the unknowns of Tod’s treatment, Teri took solace in always being able to reach the team at HNC Living Foundation.

“I just text or call,” said Teri. “Alyssa is there.”

Further, as Teri added up the expenses covered by HNC Living Foundation for dental care, nutritional supplements, and transportation to treatments, she was proud to note: “HNC is part of our support system.”


SuVona had already seen her dad battle cancer once. At just 13 years old, she found it inconceivable when Teri told her the cancer had returned after Tod had been declared cancer free. It was difficult for her to watch as Tod took on radiation therapies, which caused him pain and discomfort.

“My dad’s throat isn’t very good,” SuVona explained. “He can’t swallow.”

Because HNC Living Foundation knows exactly what to anticipate for the patients we serve, Alyssa had already started the process of delivering helpful nutritional supplements to Tod’s doorstep before the family even made a request.



Alyssa has spent four years at HNC Living Foundation, working with donors and patients to provide the resources and services they need. HNC Living Foundation has already served more than 4,000 patients. Alyssa is proud to have the foresight to help patients before they even know they need assistance.

Alyssa helped guide Teri and Tod through multiple dental procedures. She ordered weeks of nutritional supplements and sent them gas cards to cover travel expenses. This allowed Tod to focus on treatment and healing, rather than mounting bills and daily costs.

“When you work so closely with these patients and these caregivers,” explained Alyssa, “you can anticipate the needs they might have.”